Our Values


We believe that people in all identities and bodies deserve to have liberation-oriented mental health care — especially people with marginalized identities and bodies.

We work with many clients to heal from the toxic impacts of systemic oppression, racial trauma, othering, and/or the trauma of participating in and benefiting from White supremacy.

Here are some ways we think about racism, oppression, and mental health:

The Trauma of Oppression

Naming the White supremacist, cishet-patriarchal, and ableist, classist systems we exist in is one of the first steps towards healing. We believe that the next step is naming the trauma of oppression.

The symptoms you may be experiencing are not because something is wrong with you, or you did something wrong. We believe that trauma is reasonable response to living in our society. You may be also experiencing the effects of intergenerational trauma from your family, ancestors, and/or the collective experience of those in your community.

Therapy: Working Towards Liberation, Acknowledging Oppression

Therapy and the labels of mental health/illness have been and still very much are part of systems of oppression. Psychotherapy is a Western colonial construct and has perpetuated racism and oppression in marginalized communities. Our work at Echo Park Creative Psychology, Inc. is to empower BI&POC and/or LGBTQ+ therapists to heal themselves and those in their communities, as well as support our white therapists in their anti-racism and anti-oppression work.


Asian Mental Health Collective

Black Emotional and Mental Health Collective

Dive in Well

Indigenous Circle of Wellness

Latinx Mental Health Podcast

Latinx Therapy

Loveland Foundation

QTPoC Art and Essays on Healing

Project Heal

Restoring Ancestral Winds

Sad Girls Club

Therapy for Black Girls

Trevor Project

Need help connecting with other resources in LA or online? Please contact us and we can try to help you find what you are looking for.


Schedule a free consultation

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